Digital Signage

Explore – How Can Digital Signage Be a Sustainable Choice?

Brands are under a lot of pressure to become more sustainable and consider their environmental and social impact in every aspect of their business. Technology has a vital role to play in facilitating this. In this piece, we will explore some of the key ways that digital signage in Wollongong can help businesses become more sustainable. 

Elaborating Sustainability

According to the traditional definition, sustainability is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

Sustainability applies to a company’s marketing activities as well as all other business practices. Your company’s marketing approach should take into account the environment, ethics, waste minimisation and responsible use of resources. In recent years, companies around the world have been taking positive steps in this area. 

4 Reasons That Digital Signage is a Sustainable Choice

Less Wastage of Paper

According to the experts, paper alone accounts for 26% of all landfill waste. While paper is one of the most recycled products in the world, with 87% of paper and cardboard recycled in Australia, there is still a lot of paper waste that can be avoided with digital solutions.

As paper production consumes large amounts of water and energy, many businesses are turning to digital signage as part of their efforts to reduce paper waste and implement sustainable and environmentally friendly marketing practices. Unlike traditional posters, flyers, print ads and printed billboards, digital signage requires no printing or paper, and content can be easily changed and updated at any time.

Less E-Waste & a Longer End of Life (EOL)

With more than 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated worldwide every year, more efforts are being made to reduce redundancies and extend the lifespan of electronic equipment. According to the professional sign installer in Wollongong, sustainable digital signage solutions tend to have a relatively long lifespan, especially if the technology chosen (displays, media players, etc.) is high quality and durable and effort is put into maintaining the components. The right digital signage solution may require a modest initial investment, but with proper maintenance, businesses can extend their end-of-life (EOL) period and save both money and the planet by extending the life of their digital displays.

More Environmentally Friendly Than Printed BillBoards

For example, in Europe, between two and eight million billboards are put up at any one time. Old signage needs to be thrown away when it is outdated, the paper and materials are not always recyclable, the ink may not be environmentally friendly and the adhesives used can be toxic. Also, many physical signs are made of plastic, which takes a very long time to degrade. For these reasons, traditional signage is being replaced by more sustainable and environmentally friendly digital signage.

Remote Management

A specialist who offers digital signage near Wollongong shares that digital signage content is managed using a content management system that is accessible from anywhere and provides instant updates to signage. This eliminates the need to go on-site to change content on static signs and billboards and reduces CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts associated with transportation and travel.

Energy Efficiency

Digital displays are much more energy efficient and many modern displays are designed to consume less power. LED signage, in particular, has been shown to consume up to 50–70% less power than other types of digital displays. Also, some displays have energy-saving features such as intelligent brightness control that adjusts to ambient light levels and timers and sensors that turn the screen off at certain times or when no one is around.

We hope you have understood how helpful it is to install digital signage with the help of a professional sign installer. It reduces paper waste, uses less e-waste and EOL, and encourages more environmentally friendly than printed billboards, uses remote management and energy efficiency. So, if you need any help regarding signage, like advertising, you can directly contact Sign Syndicate. We are always available for you! You can also call us at 0411 779 496, or if you have any further queries, you can contact us at